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Additional Resources

The Arc- Local, State and National  - Information and referral, supports, and public policy advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

The Arc United States

The Arc Maryland

National Down's Syndrome Society

The Arc Baltimore
The Arc Carroll County
The Arc Central Chesapeake Region
The Arc of Frederick County
The Arc Howard County
The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region
The Arc Prince George's County
The Arc Southern Maryland
The Arc of Washington County

Autism Support

Autism Society of Maryland (AUSOM)

Pathfinders for Autism

Health and Wellness

American Association on Health and Disabilities

National Center on Physical Activity and Disabilities


Information and Referral

Arc of Frederick County Fact Sheets Including topics such as Medical Decision Making, Selecting a Provider Agency, How to Negotiate with a Provider Agency, Supplemental Social Security Income

Baltimore County Family Navigator

Resource Finder at the Kennedy Kreiger Institute

Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities

The Parents Place of Maryland


Legal Support

Disability Rights Maryland (formerly Maryland Disability Law Center) with publications on topics such as special education, Social Security and Medicaid for working adults, developmental disabilities, and voting

Special Needs Trust Attorneys in Maryland Statewide listing maintained by The Arc of Frederick County. Note: this is not a comprehensive list

Guardianship and It's Alternatives - A Handbook on Maryland Law By Joan O'Sullivan, Esq. Published by the University of Maryland School of Law and Maryland State Bar Association.


Maryland State Funded Services for People with I/DD

Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Including DDA application, Regional offices, and listing of Coordination of Community Services agencies

Eligibility and Priority for DDA Services Overview by Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council

In Home Support, Residential, and Vocational service agencies listed on the DDA website for each region of Maryland

Office of Health Care Quality Responsible for licensing Maryland residential and vocational agencies and investigating allegations of abuse or neglect. Includes links to State regulations governing provision of services.

Council on Quality Leadership 

Provides accreditation and technical support to DDA licensed agencies through a contractual agreement with the Maryland Department of Health.


Self-Advocacy groups people with intellectual and developmental disabilities  - develop personal self-advocacy skills such as expression of preferences and beliefs, assertiveness, public speaking and working with others, as they work together to make plans of interest to their group, ranging from social activities to tackling program changes or even new legislation.

People Connect Central Chesapeake Region

People First of Howard County

People on the Go of Calvert County

People on the Go Maryland

SDAN Self Directed Advocacy Network of Maryland

People on the Go Prince George's County

Self-Advocates Network and People Connections

Supervised Vacations - assist with travel plans and transportation; inquire if supervision level meets your needs

The Guided Tour

Trips, Inc

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