By Their Side works with Marylanders with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families to make sure their wishes and needs are addressed. We provide advocacy for health, safety, rights, and happiness, even when parents can no longer be there.

We work in partnership with each person and their family and/or trustee. . For many, we are the only remaining advocate.

from the beginning

From the time you learn your child has a disability, you work tirelessly to discover resources and arrange support.

Formed in 1965 by parents concerned about who would advocate after they were gone, By Their Side is a family-funded, non-profit organization offering lifelong advocacy.

planning ahead

When you are ready, By Their Side will meet with your family to learn about your relative's needs and preferences, as well as your advocacy concerns.

You decide when services begin, and how often your advocate will visit and monitor. We support sibling advocacy and communicate financial needs to trustees.

when the time comes

A Personal Advocate will visit, monitor and address concerns. Your relative will have a trusted confidant, guide, and experienced advocate.

We cannot replace the bond you share with your son or daughter. However, you can rest assured that we will be by their side, just as you have arranged.